
These are the groups who are attending or have attended Nordic Equinox.


Name: Vishna-Ghrim.
Host: Darkness.
Largest number of members: 94
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Description: A mystic race, similar to shadow-elves in fantasy genre.
Contact person: Jakob Kross (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is open. You may freely register into this group, all your registration info will be passed on to the group contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]
Group web page:

Vishna-Ghrim, Nordic EquinoxLegendary group: Dark, vast and relentless. The hordes of Vishna-Ghrim have always comprised the bulk of the army of darkness.Within its ranks are myriad of skills from mere beginners to masters of swordmanship and tactics. Their relative lack of mobility is offset by heavy weaponry and strict dicipline which makes most Vishna-Ghrims excellent formation soldiers, naturally adept at holding or gaining ground against strong oponents. Although initially they where willing to fight alongside others but as a rule did not accept strangers into their midst, they have changed their policy and welcome all newcomers.


Name: Brave Vikings.
Host: Light.
Largest number of members: 52
Country of origin: Estonia
Events Attended: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2024
Description: The legendary Vikings once again rape and pillage in the name of the Light. Humans from Scandinavian viking era.
Contact person: Robert Rootslane (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is open. You may freely register into this group, all your registration info will be passed on to the group contact person.

Brave Vikings, Nordic Equinox 2012Brave Vikings, Nordic Equinox 2012Legendary group: Not so numerous as Vishna-Ghrim but what it lacks in numbers it makes good in prowess and stamina. Has times and again (despite shabby appearance) been the most decisive group amidst the armies of light. Excellent heavy scirmishers with intimate knowledge of the terrain. Relatively high average skill level (only a few unskilled or mediocre fighters). Joyful and enthusiastic in their approach they are always willing to accept anyone into their group.


Name: Immensely Illuminated Brotherhood.
Host: Light.
Largest number of members: 46
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Description: Immensely Illuminated Brotherhood unites fighters who are not afraid to face the forces of darkness in the epic struggle of Good versus Evil. The Brotherhood despises all half-, dark-, black-, high-, low-, fat and other elves, trolls and dwarves and all other sinister characters who lurk around in darkness. The Brotherhood is described by its commitment to its cause, deep feeling of brotherhood and the destruction of darkness under the bright white banner. Immensely Illuminated Brotherhood has grown strong like White beans under the Bright Sun. If You wish to join us, you should contact Ragnar, The Canvassing Brother.
Contact person: Ragnar Saage (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]
Group web page:

Very White Brotherhood, Nordic Equinox 2012BVery White Brotherhood, Nordic Equinox 2012Legendary group: Immensely Illuminated Brotherhood is a strange mixture of absurd humor (derived from popular culture) and exceptional tactical skills. They have, since their appearance, been instrumental to the host of light as strategists and heavy support unit. IIB is the one group who has possibly best achieved the melding between a battle game and classical role playing, being both effective in combat but keeping in character at the same time. They are comprised mostly of adult players, with tons of gaming/fighting experience. As a group they usually fulfill the role of heavy infantry but sometimes split up into smaller, lighter, teams as well.


Name: Ran Throqût.
Host: Darkness.
Largest number of members: 40
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
Description: The Uruks are the people who are born near the so called Battlefield. Their looks differ by regions: green-skinned, brown-skinned or black with their faces sculpted in grotesque ways by the chaos, that is their nature and battle scars that are proof of their wild ways. By serving The Darkness in the depths of their cave fortresses and wild evil forests, their communities have spread into clans, who tirelessly fight among themselves. Once in a while some individuals arise stronger, bigger and cleverer than most other uruk clanleaders and unite some of the clans into a Horde but they eventually disperse after the fall of the chief. But every year witches and shamans call out the arrival of the Nordic Equinox and all clan feuds will be on hold to answer the call of the Ran Throqût and serve in The Dark one’s Horde as it has always been in the past.
Contact person: Kaur Matiisen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]

Very White Brotherhood, Nordic Equinox 2012BVery White Brotherhood, Nordic Equinox 2012Legendary group: The Orcs of Nordic Equinox are a special group who tied the back-story of their whole being with the world of Nordic Equinox, even though they are players, not NPC's. They do take part in scenarios, but they are first and foremost a roleplaying group. They where also the first to erect their camp in-game and in the Wild Zone. Ran Throqût is a large and quickly evolving group that consists of few older and experienced players (the "Uruks") and a lot of youngsters ("the Goblins" or "Snagas"). In true goblin fashion they are not overly strong or brave individually, rather preferring to daunt their enemies and flee. But they get emboldened in large groups and if also whipped into frenzy by the Uruks, can overwhelm opponents by sheer numbers. They are also a constant menace and nuisance to any lone travelers in the Wild Zone at night. Many adventures have ended in torment and death in the slave pits of the Orc Camp. They are also learning and getting more cunning from year to year.


Name: The Order of Black Numenoreans.
Host: Darkness.
Largest number of members: 94
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2023, 2024
Description: Hailing from Numenor in Middle Earth, during the sinking of their Island, many of the Black Numenoreons escaped their fate through a gateway created by Sauron so that they may escape their deaths and continue to do his will elsewhere. This gateway placed them into a new world. The world of the Nordic Equinox. Searching for their Dark Lords will, they have gathered to fight for the darkness. Ever gathering and growing under the Dark Tree.
Contact person: Nathan Popa (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.


Name: Dwarves of the Great Egg Mountain.
Host: Light.
Largest number of members: 39
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2023, 2024
Description: Dwarves are short and strong. Many have mighty beards and long hair. They live among their mountains, underground, and in valleys where they cultivate the land. They believe that work and fun should go hand in hand. They have social songs to keep the rhythm while mining, and their dining table is always laden with mead, meat, and cheese.
Dwarves are particularly proud of their family. They stick together and pass down skills and knowledge from generation to generation to bring fame and honor to their clan.
Although dwarves have lived in the world for a very long time, their relationships with humans and elves have not been very good. To protect their people from constant wars and conflicts, the old dwarf king decided to take his people into hiding. For hundreds of years, they cultivated fields in the valleys, dug tunnels into the mountains, and forged mighty weapons.
However, in their great mining frenzy, the dwarves dug too deep into the heart of the mountain and had to go to war against the mountain trolls living there. In the war, both the king and his six eldest sons perished. Only the youngest heir to the throne, Ikol Ilo Noblebrew, survived, as he had left the mountain before the war after a quarrel with his father. Now he has returned and decided to reopen the kingdom to trade with the outside world.
Contact person: Karl-Gabriel Hiie (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.


Name: Reptilian Khanate.
Host: Light.
Largest number of members: 40
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2024
Description: From the ashes of the former Viking Empire, the Reptilian Khanate has risen, uniting the Mongol tribes in the name of the Lizard King. Their faith, Lizardism, is focused on the search for the mystical and lost Holy Stone, which grants divine power. Now, the Mongols join the ancient struggle between Light and Darkness, hoping that their stone can be found on the battlefield.
Contact person: Ott Matiisen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.


Name: Northmost Host.
Host: Light.
Largest number of members: 14
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2013
Description: Tough and hardened Northern warriors are joining the Host of light, to fight for everything they hold dear. They fight for their land, women and wealth, ensuring that the hordes of Darkness will wander their lands no more.
Contact person: Silver Org (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is open. You may freely register into this group, all your registration info will be passed on to the group contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]


Name: Corvus Corax.
Host: Darkness.
Largest number of members: 11
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2015, 2016, 2017
Description: A century ago a huge army of demons rose from the underworld, ready to do battle upon a terrible enemy. They set out, lead by prince Malphas. The mysterious foe however was far more cunning and powerful than the demons expected. Although after years of fighting the demons prevailed, the victory came at a heavy cost. Most of the demons where dead, only Malphas with his entourage still remained. In his rage and grief he incinerated all vanquished foes completely, until no trace of their existence remained. Malphas felt dishonored. Although the enemy was utterly destroyed only a handful of demons remained of the vast army. He decided to restore his honor by fighting on the ground, until a century has passed from his war. The prince gathered all demons who had not yet succumbed to their wounds and started looking for battles. After a while he realized that he had too few fighters and he recruited some lower demons. None of the demons who fought in the great war, blame Malphas for the loss. His high morale was what ultimately gained victory for the demons. The prince trusts his soldiers completely, however he has some doubts about the new recruits.
Contact person: Endel Maas (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]


Name: Shadows of Hodoria.
Host: Darkness.
Largest number of members: 10
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2014, 2015, 2016
Description: A group of undead, Hodor-possessed dwarfs.
Contact person: /group is inactive/
Joining: /group is inactive/


Name: Hare.
Host: Light.
Largest number of members: 9
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019
Description: Hare ("cleansing") is a fellowship that will bring peace to these lands through the blood of infidels.
Contact person: Uku Kangur (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.
Flag/colors: [link] 


Name: Völsungs.
Host: Mercenaries.
Largest number of members: 8
Country of origin: Latvia
Events attended: 2012
Description: A viking band of mercenaries. Frist time visitors to the lands of Nordic Equinox.
Contact person: Lia Kochergina (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]


Name: Temple of Tau.
Host: Mercenaries.
Largest number of members: 5
Country of origin: Estonia
Events attended: 2017, 2018, 2019
Description: Tau is endless and non-recurring. Infinity is inscribed in Tau, Tau is the macrocosm itself and rewritten personification of universe for all mortals and immortals alike who want to follow the infinity and find truth behind the space. In the temple of Tau everyone who wishes can strive towards its distance  - from the novice who has just found Tau to its highest priests. Tau accepts everyone, all that needs to be done is to rise, denounce the wicked deceitfulness of pii and capture in yourself Tau's space-time transcending knowledge.
Contact person: Agnes Triin Saga (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.
Flag/colors: [link]


Name: RakTaarbami.
Host: Darkness.
Largest number of members: 5
Country of origin: Czech Republic
Events attended: first registration 2019
Description: RakTaarbami is an orc band, which keeps itself busy with casual orc daily activities: pillaging, sometimes war.
Contact person: Jakub Ashen Seifert (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Joining: Group is closed. If you are a member of this group or would none of the less like to join, please ask the contact person.


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