Team Deathmatch
Before we start:
- There will be four, marked respawn areas, two for each team.
- Each player will be given a necklace according to his team (there will be two different types of necklaces)
The goal:
- To kill more opponents in a given time and gather their necklaces.
Bonus points:
- None.
- Players must wear their necklaces at all times (except when they are moving to their respawn area).
- After dying the player must remain on the spot where he died for at least 15 minutes - if during that time, no one has claimed his necklace, he must go to the nearest respawn area of his team and can re-enter the game immediately.
- When a character is permanently killed (counted to 10), he must surrender his necklace to the killer. After that he will immediately go to the nearest respawn area of his team, get a new necklace (there will be a GM or REF there who will distribute necklaces) and re-enter the game immediately.
- Players moving to respawn areas, must hold their hand on the head and move in as direct line as possible. Any contact with other players (even dead ones) must be avoided and ignored.
- There can be no looting (aside of the necklaces) during this scenario.
- You can only loot enemy necklaces - if you kill an opponent, you can only take his necklace, all the necklaces of your team, he might be carrying are permanently his.
- Gathered enemy necklaces must be carried with you and turned in by the end of the scenario.
- Spawn camping (lurking next to the enemies respawn area, with the intent of killing them as they exit or preventing them from exiting) will be actively discouraged by GM's and REF's - expect rulings that will be completely unfair towards you. To be on the safe side, set your ambushes up, at least 100m from the respawn area.
The action:
- Both teams are divided into two groups by the GM's (no complaints about the division will be accepted). The groups will be sent to different respawn areas of the teams.
- All groups will enter the game simultaneously, from their respawn areas.
- The team that gathers more necklaces, wins the scenario.
- 60 minutes.