Frequently asked questions

I am a parent and want to know more about this?
Is there an age limit to this game?
Do I have to have a costume?
How or what should my character description look like?
Where do I get weapons and can I bring my own?

I just want to visit, I do not want to play. Is that possible?


Is there an age limit to this game?

No there is no official age limit. Everyone who feels that this hobby might interest them is welcome. From experience though, we can tell that children of 10 years or younger have trouble coping alone and are better off attending together with a custodian or teacher.

There is no upper age limit as well. If you think that you are too old to keep up with the younger players running around the forests, just choose a more passive character.

If you are younger than 16 years old you will need a printed and signed parental agreement to join the event. The form for the parental agreement can be obtained here. The written parental agreement is not necessary if the parent is also attending the event.


Do I have to have a costume?

Although you theoretically could attend Nordic Equinox without a costume, this is not considered a good conduct. Take it as a theme party - friends without a costume are welcome but everyone who puts in some effort will make the event so much more enjoyable for himself and others. It is very easy and cheap to make a simple costume for the event. Instructions and ideas for that can be found ##here## (untranslated - sorry).

Joining a group can possibly be a  good way to obtain a costume or get help making one. The list and description of groups can be found here.


How or what should my character description look like?

Very complex character descriptions are not necessarily needed. But you should have at least a general idea of who and what you are going to be. Your choice of character is entirely up to you, just as your choice of host and/or group. More information about that can be found here.

Your character description should at least contain your characters name, historic background (what area or what age is he from) and maybe his occupation. If you have chosen a specific host or group you can also mention why your character fights for that particular side.

After that everything is up to you and your fantasy. You can add as many details to the description as you feel necessary. Long character descriptions and backgrounds (more than 300 words) should be sent to us by e-mail: info-at-ancalagon-dot-ee. If you e-mail us your character description, just note "Will send with e-mail" into the character description box on the registration form.


Where do I get weapons and can I bring my own?

Larp uses padded/boffered weapon imitations and participants need to have their own weapons.

You can build your weapons yourself or if you are a member of some group, you can ask your group leader about borrowing a weapon. If you do decide to construct your own weapons be sure to follow the safety requirements for weapon imitations, that can be found in Appendix 1 (page 15) of the game rules here - it is VERY important that you read them carefully BEFORE you start building your weapon. If this is your first game we strongly recommend that you build just a simple sword, instructions for that can be found here (once again untranslated - sorry).

If you build your own weapons, we recommend you make 2 or 3 of them and also bring along some spare materials (padding, tape) and tools, for on-the-spot changes or repairs. Weapons break - this is inevitable - sometimes you can repair them, sometimes you have to get a new one. Be prepared for that.


I want to come and just have a look; take pictures; film; visit... etc. I do not want to play. Is this possible?

For personal use - yes it is. You must still register for the event and pay the participation fee but you do not have to play if you don't want to. If you do not wear a costume we might limit your access to certain areas or situations for immersion purposes.

Also please be mindful when using media you record on Nordic Equinox. The event is held on private property and is not open to public, it is a closed event with registration. Therefore you do not have the right to use images or recordings of other participants against their wishes. As a rule it is not a problem and most players gladly welcome the attention and possibility to show off theirs skills or kit, but please be ready to take down pictures/videos upon the request of persons involved.

For professional/commercial use you will need a written permit from the organizers to record the event - that includes journalism! Those inquiries should be directed to our e-mail address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

(We are currently looking for drone camera operators. If you are interested in getting aerial shots of a medieval fantasy world and battles and are willing to share your footage then we would be more than happy to accommodate this. Please don't hesitate to contact us.)


I am a parent and want to know more about this?

Live action role-playing event "Nordic Equinox" is held in Estonia, Jõgeva county, at Kassinurme hill-fort. To attend, your child must register and pay the participation fee. The main organizer is Allan Bernard (GSM: +372 five five 632 698). The event is held in accordance with the local laws and necessary permits have been obtained. The event has been held successfully, every year, since 2006, with participants numbering from 300-400. You can learn more about the conditions at the location here. Although there will be no WiFi on the event location there is GSM/mobile data reception and if your child has roaming services activated, phone calls are no problem.

Estonia is a European Union country with all the laws and public services associated with a modern democratic society. It is advisable to purchase travel insurance when coming from abroad. If your country issues the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) that should be obtained, while it is not a substitute for medical and travel insurance it entitles EU citizens to the same (free of charge) state-provided first aid and medical treatment as Estonian nationals. Estonian timezone is GMT/UTC+2 (DLST applies), local currency is EUR. You can learn more about Estonia here.

It is a sporting and entertainment event which is similar to a costume party. The theme is medieval ages and fantasy literature. Majority of the participants are youths (from 14-24 years) but the organizers and a lot of players are also adults. "Nordic Equinox" is a organized event, it has a timetable and specific activities. You can find the timetable here.

Most activities involve sports. A lot of it is fighting with padded and safe imitations of medieval weapons. Therefore the event includes elements from light contact sports, mock fighting and acted violence. All the fighting is done, following specific rules and safety instructions and closely observed and supervised by the organizers. You can find the game rules here.

Like every active hobby in wilderness or contact sports, larp has a risk of injury. Considering the scope of the event there have been very few injuries and they have been limited to common sports related injuries: scrapes, bruises, concussions, strained muscles. There is a well stocked first aid kit on the event and persons to administer first aid. If the situation requires it, the nearest town (Jõgeva) is 7km away and has a 24h emergency room and paramedics. The roads to Jõgeva are in very good condition. Estonian emergency response forces are required by law to give first aid to anyone who needs it, but its good if you have made arrangements for a international medical insurance or travel insurance for your child.

"Nordic Equinox" IS NOT a youth camp. We don't have caretakers for your child and we do not take responsibility for minors! We do our best to observe the event and prevent accidents but we do not take responsibility for anyone's safety. In addition we take no responsibility if your child violates the laws of the Republic of Estonia (most importantly concerning tobacco, alcohol and/or illegal substances!). If you do not trust your child alone to the event, please accompany him/her or appoint a custodian. Parents or custodians must also register and pay the participation fee.

Players under 16 years must have a written permit from their parents to attend the event alone. The form for the parental agreement is here. If you sign this document you agree that your underage child attends this event on his/her own and without any supervision (unless you have appointed a custodian - who must also sign the form).

You can find the house rules for the event here. You can read more about larp here.

For more information feel free to browse this webpage or contact us directly at: info-at-ancalagon-dot-ee